SDK start point. Get instance, set your project key and start recording. Your preferences can be set in Smartlook webpage (Manage projects select one of your projects Project settings), or local in preferences. Current state is combination of your settings on the Smartlook webpage, default values and your local preferences. Navigation events and user interactions are tracked automatically but can be customized in preferences.eventTracking. If your application contains some sensitive Views, for example PIN keyboard or PAN label, these Views can be marked as sensitive in sensitivity and they will be covered in records. You can also track your own events by trackEvent. Recording can be started and stopped any time by start and stop.
val smartlook = Smartlook.instance
smartlook.preferences.projectKey = "YOUR_PROJECT_KEY"
Stops recording and resets preferences and setupConfiguration into the default state.
Starts recording of a user activity. Data is uploaded only when valid Preferences.projectKey is present. It does not affect the Crash Report.
Tracks a custom event with optional properties. Recording must be started, otherwise the event will be dropped.
Tracks SmartlookNetworkRequest with an optional properties. Recording must be started, otherwise the event will be dropped.
Recording mask configuration defines which part of screen will not be visible. Used only when State.renderingMode is RenderingMode.NATIVE.
Sensitivity configuration defines which part of screen will not be visible. Used only when State.renderingMode is RenderingMode.NATIVE.
The current SDK state. Each value is combination of default one, account settings and preferences.